Saturday, 25 October 2014

Prof. Dr. Sabir H Kloorvi

Prof. Dr. Sabir H Kloorvi
First Head of Urdu Department, Peshawar University Peshawar, from proposed Hazara Province
written by
Journalist, Historian, Anthropologist & Blogger
Cell Phone # 0331-5446020 
Some people are unforgettable for friends, disciples and for parents because their habits, love for others and enthusiasm of self respect gave a unconditional status in public heart. Professor Dr. Sabir Kloorvi was among those who loved his students like parents and always contacted with them in a respectable way and encouraged in educational prospective till his last breath. I am also a lucky man who gained his love in Bakot College in autumn of 1978 and contacted him since his last moment.
I was a shining student in Bakote College and when he appointed there as Urdu teacher, I had won his attention. He nominated me as General Secretary of college literary council. This college no longer survived and shut down because of less local students in 1979 and he transferred to Ghazi Inter College. We both were in contacted and he called me for educational consultation there but when I came he was not there. I met him in Abbottabad in 1981 and he was busy in study of his hypothesis about Dr. Iqbal. His spouse not at home, we take food outside and he delivered me the most valuable consultations that changed my life in coming days.
I admitted in Gordon College Rawalpindi in 1982 as BA student and Professor Dr. Sabir Kloorbvi came in my college every month, inquired my health and academic activities. He many a time purchases many books for me from Sader Rawalpindi old book Sunday market.
Professor Dr. Sabir Kloorvi counseled me to appear in any college for MA Urdu after my graduation in 1984 but I was a lover of Journalism and disobeyed his consultation. I went to Karachi in 1985 and once he wrote me a letter in which he told me that some fanatics were teasing me as a Ahmdea fellow. “You must contacted with TEHREEK E KHETM E NUBAWAT and present my case to them”. I went to office of TEHREEK E KHETM E NUBAWAT and had taken this sensitive issue to them. They phoned him and he expressed his point of view that he is a Muslim, never believed in any thought that narrated by false prophet Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani. He also told Islamic Scholars of Jamea Binnorya Karchi that a conspiracy was running against him in Peshawar University and defamed him by Non-Muslim Qadeanies as a regular campaign. Molanas of Jamea Binnorya Karachi consulted Jamea Peshawar in Heshtnagri and announced simultaneously that Professor Dr. Sabir Klurwi was a true Muslim by family and by birth, had no linkage with Non-Muslim Qadeanies. He delivered me this tiding on phone and I felt a joyful moment for me that my teacher was released from the web of Qadeani spider.
I always came to his residence in Peshawar when I went there. I met him in a rainy day of the coldest winter of 2007 at his Professors’ colony residence. He was grieved and ill, covered by a volvet. He told me that his beloved spouse breathed her last and now wedded with a lady teacher but her lovely moments that she spent with me were unforgettable. He paused, dried her showered eyes and then said that she was with me each and every time; I felt her presence and fragrance. He managed very tasty fried rice and we both had taken it in a pin drop silence. My disciple Kaleem Abbasi was with me and he termed him (Kaleem Abbasi) as grand disciple. When we wanted permission to him, he told his son to left us in University gate. I felt with grief and sorrow that Almighty Allah Tabarik wa Ta’ala gifted him a much beautiful literary and intellectual life and his life partner was also a memorable lady who arrested him after her death among her immortal memories. May Almighty Allah Tabarik wa Ta’ala showered His mercies over Professor Dr. Sabir Kloorvi and his spouse graves. (To be continued)

  1. Iqbal acadmy Pakistan
  2. باقیاتِ شعراقبال

  3.  صابر حسین کلوروی

  4.  Weekly Fridy Special Book Review
  5. (عروض و بدیع) (ڈاکٹر صابر کلوروی) (علمی کتب خانہ لاہور )
  6. Iqbal & Benito Mussolini meeting
  7. ..... Dr. Sabir Kloorvi point of view


Professor Dr. Sabir Kloorvi in pictures

Govt of Pakistan acknowledgment his literary services
Prof. Dr. Sabir H Kloorvi 
sitting in a function
among renowned poet Ahmed Fraz and others
Elder son Shahzad Ahmed
Younger son Fahad Ahmed 
Mahrosh Ahmad
Dr Kloorvi grand daughter

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